Hi!  Glad you’re here with me to open wide the closed door of the Texas Lawyer Disciplinary System and discover what happens at these confidential Hearings and, of course, to learn more about lawyers by reading my series of books on “The Grievance Committee.”

Only lawyers and fiction writers get paid to lie!  The catchy title of this blog comes from Ron Millhouse, the prosecutor in “The Grievance Committee—Book One,”  as he addresses the Panel Members in Chapter Four.  I wonder how many people believe his assertion, at least about lawyers. Let me repeat it:  “Only lawyers and fiction writers get paid to lie.”

Keep in mind that real people—living outside of my books—voluntarily donate time and talent to serve on Grievance Committees throughout the country and work diligently to avoid their human frailties in order to seek  justice both for complainants and for accused lawyers.  We owe them!

In “The Grievance Committee” series of books, you’ll meet a lot of people, some of whom you’ll find  normal, well-motivated, and serious.   But others can be partially good and partially bad.  Then there are the zany ones, sort of like some of those characters in David E. Kelly’s old television creations, “Ally McBeal” or “The Practice, ” or “Boston Legal.”   Yet even if you don’t connect with a character, nevertheless, I believe you’ll find the contrast interesting,  amusing, and enjoyable.  And, yes, sometimes thought-provoking.

When you read “The Grievance Committee—Book One,” you’ll discover  some of the ins and outs about lawyers, and the workings of the Grievance Committee Hearing Panels.  You will have  the opportunity to sit unnoticed as the 7th Member on the Hearing Panel and second guess the Panel Members as they render decisions—some professionally life-threatening.  You may even scratch your head to understand the motivations of some Members.

While learning some heavy stuff about lawyers,  you will find that the story will entertain you and allow you to escape to a new and different venue for an enticing treat for  your intellect.  Be aware, though, that some hidden themes may be interwoven into the story’s fabric.

When I wrote this post, “The Grievance Committee—Book One” was available only from Amazon.com, but now it’s available at Barnes & Noble and certain indie book sellers, such as Book People of Austin, Texas.  Check with your book seller.

We received an outstanding review for “The Grievance Committee–Book One” in the May-June 2012 issue of “San Antonio Lawyer”  by complimenting the clever use of the story to educate lawyers about the Texas Lawyer Disciplinary System.

Then, on July3, 2012, KIRKUS REVIEWS posted it’s review of “The Grievance Committee–Book One”.   “The web that Southers (himself an attorney) weaves pulls in the reader  with its moralizing corkscrews, which are uncanny yet organic to the plot of this legal thriller”…”with themes…unsavory and very real.”  The first book in the planned triolgy “packs a punch  and develops characters that may well deserve another visit.”

A  “ForeWord Review” awards Three Stars (out of Five),  says “The novel’s lack of clearly defined heroes and villains heightens the suspense; readers root for everyone while turning the pages to find out who comes out on top.”, and concludes that  “…Southers’ first novel represents a strong debut.”.

You can do me a big favor and write your own review or tell others about the book.   Maybe then‘The Grievance Committee—Book One” will get some more notice.  By using the “Contact” tab, you can send me your thoughts.  Please.  Or, email me directly at  frs@southers.com   I’ll be happy to discuss your criticisms or praise about the book or about writing in general.

I’ll assume you have enjoyed (or will enjoy) “The Grievance Committee—Book One” and are curious about the second book in the series.

When you read “A Serious Mistake”, the 2nd book in the series,  you will find some of the characters in Book One have traipsed along with you, like old but friendly hitchhikers.  And, in “A Serious Mistake,” you’ll continue to second-guess the Panel Members’ decisions.

“A Serious Mistake” asks 2 basic questions: “What sanction will the Grievance Committee give to a dedicated, diligent, fair-minded Member who has violated the Disciplinary Rules?” and “How will that lawyer redeem himself and move on with his life?”  Plus, you’ll find some engaging stories about accused lawyers.

For your enjoyment, you can review Chapter One & Two of “A Serious Mistake” by clicking the tab at the bottom of the page on Books.

Thanks for your interest.


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